The Importance of Political Diversity and Integration

There are no two identical things anywhere in the universe – if you look closely enough. Life depends on the integration of diversity in our DNA, cells, tissues, organs and the whole being, as well as the social systems and ecosystems in which we are embedded. Throughout the human population we have countless ways inContinue reading “The Importance of Political Diversity and Integration”

On Human Diversity and Its Advantages and Limits

Nature has designed humans to be not only different but complementary. People high in oxytocin are caring lovers. People high in testosterone are driven and competitive. There is a natural distribution of these differences across the population, and its not just about women and men. The population in any human community needs both tendencies forContinue reading “On Human Diversity and Its Advantages and Limits”

A 12 Step Program for Economic Recovery

Based on my professional experience working with people, entrepreneurs and local economies, this is a 12 Step Program to Economic Recovery and to find our New Normal following COVID-19: We still have memory of how to run an economy (e.g. run a business, find a job) to prime the recovery pump Some keystone industries areContinue reading “A 12 Step Program for Economic Recovery”