The Fluidity of Truth and the Necessity of Open Dialogue in Science

The nature of scientific inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge have always been dynamic processes, evolving with new discoveries and perspectives. The argument that there are no absolute facts or ultimate truths is deeply intertwined with Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s concept of perspectivism, which emphasizes the relativity and contextuality of knowledge. This viewpoint profoundly shapes our understanding of science and underscores the critical role of open public dialogue and debate in fostering collective intelligence and intellectual progress.

The Dynamic Nature of Scientific Knowledge

Science is not a static collection of immutable facts but an ongoing process of discovery and refinement. Meanings and interpretations are fluid, continuously influenced by new contexts, discoveries, and perspectives. This dynamism ensures that scientific knowledge evolves, reflecting the ever-changing nature of the world. Bertalanffy’s perspectivism reinforces this view, advocating for the integration of diverse scientific perspectives to form a more comprehensive understanding of complex phenomena. This pluralistic approach necessitates a constant synthesis and re-evaluation of knowledge, embodying the dynamic essence of science.

The Role of Open Dialogue and Debate

Open public dialogue and debate are essential for several reasons:

1. Collective Intelligence: Collaboration and the sharing of diverse viewpoints enhance collective understanding and foster innovation. This collective intelligence emerges from the interactions and contributions of a broad range of individuals and groups.

2. Transparency and Accountability: Public scrutiny ensures that scientific processes are transparent and accountable. This openness helps identify biases and errors, leading to more robust and reliable knowledge, and builds public trust in science.

3. Democratization of Knowledge: Engaging the public in scientific discourse democratizes knowledge, making it accessible and relevant to a broader audience. This inclusivity ensures that scientific advancements align with societal values and interests.

4. Adaptability and Responsiveness: Open debate allows science to be adaptive and responsive to new challenges and opportunities. It ensures that science remains relevant in a rapidly changing world.

The Risks of Absolutism

Despite the inherent fluidity of scientific knowledge, there remains a persistent threat from absolutism—the belief in unchanging, ultimate truths. Absolutism stifles intellectual progress by rejecting the provisional nature of knowledge and discouraging critical questioning and debate. It can lead to dogmatism, where established ideas are unchallenged, preventing the integration of new insights and perspectives.

Absolutism poses significant risks, including:

Suppression of Innovation: By discouraging new ideas and alternative viewpoints, absolutism can hinder scientific and technological innovation.

Erosion of Trust: When scientific claims are presented as absolute truths and later disproven, it can erode public trust in science.

Societal Polarization: Absolutist attitudes can contribute to societal polarization, where differing viewpoints are not tolerated, undermining the collaborative nature of collective intelligence.


Science thrives on the recognition that knowledge is provisional and ever-evolving. Embracing the fluidity of truth and fostering open public dialogue and debate are essential for advancing collective intelligence and intellectual progress. In contrast, the threat of absolutism, with its rigid adherence to unchanging truths, poses significant risks to innovation, trust, and societal harmony. By remaining open to new perspectives and continuously revising our understanding, we ensure that science remains a dynamic and progressive force for human advancement.

Published by Randal B. Adcock

Independent author on philosophy and the human condition The ideas expressed in this blog are wholly my own and do not represent the opinions of any other organization or entity.

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